the rhythms of electromagnetic emissions, their psychogeophysics and micrological auscultation

SONOHR Radio & Podcast Festival

Movement is apparent and tactile, providing a full-body sensation. Movement is political, artistic, and social in nature. We turn to movement to relax, and we get anxious when our range of motion is limited. Where did the ability to move originate? What about the ability to stop time? Audio is a disembodied medium that transports us to other worlds. SONOHR festival's goal is to show the various ways in which movement may be transformed into sound in terms of content, tone, structure, and picture. The question the festival raises is, "How does audio move us?" The SONOHR Radio & Podcast Festival, which takes place from February 26 to 28, 2023, is searching for program ideas that bring movement into our theaters or get people moving in public locations.

Audio works of no more than 20 minutes are permitted.

Live forms include performances, interactive sessions, and live podcasts lasting no more than 60 minutes.

Innovative formats, audio- and soundwalks, audio games, or similar layouts that may be enjoyed regardless of location or are adaptable enough to be modified.

The festival will compensate you for your performance as well as the playback of selected audio pieces and program sessions. In general, works cannot be co-financed entirely, although tiny production contributions, such as adapting an existing audiowalk, are conceivable.


At audio producers and authors, radio features, podcasts, and audio art, as well as sound researchers, trainers, and innovators of rich, innovative sound formats.  This festival is especially interested in submissions from Switzerland and other European nations where their native languages are spoken. Entries submitted in languages other than German, French, Italian, and English must be accompanied by an English or German script. English is the correspondence language. To compete in the competition, you must be fluent in English at the C1 level or higher. You can sign up for English speaking tutors here -

SONOHR will also announce the yearly competition for modern Swiss radio plays from freelance authors and private radio stations in June 2023, in addition to this open invitation. The festival will be held at the REX cinema in Bern from February 26 to 28, 2023.

Copyright Project Detectors 2024.
Initiated by Martin Howse and Shintaro Miyazaki.